Sunday, April 26, 2009
The backyard did indeed get mowed yesterday. Ashlee started trimming the hedge and I did the edging. The dogs got a lot of run time going back and forth at the fence and after I was finished I went and sat on the ground with them on their side of the yard. They are diggers, so yes they have their side of the yard and I have my side of the yard. I split it almost in half with them.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
There have been a couple of times when circumstances have miffed me off (read pissed me off) enough to make me go off on someone. Look, if you dont have a purpose, no job......I dont sympathize about your gender, you have no income and you cant clean up behind yourself........dude get over it. Bathe.. At least be responsible and don't piss me off. Learn about body language....its a universal communication. If i take the keyboard and mouse away at night then I dont want you to use my computer. If I'm not at home then I guess you cant ask me if its ok to use my computer. So I don't want to come home and see my computer turned on with you on it. Now.....the people in my family are extremely empathic No emotion is stupid or silly.......I never want to hear that from you. Don't make me turn you into a cricket.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
It is spring here and I feel that this may finally be my time to branch out and change once again. We all invent ourselves by our thoughts and deeds. It is time that I left bits and pieces of myself in the past and moved on. Various people have helped me through the dark times without knowing. I thank all of those folks who helped me kill my monsters, my grief, my shortcomings. It is time to lay down my ghosts and become renewed.
It is unimaginable that Mike has been gone almost 5 years now, Jo and Bill 2 years and now Davey is gone as well. The veil is thinning I can feel it. That is why I'm blue this morning. Walpurgisnacht approaches. I will smudge the house once again, feed the Fae and visit the cemetery. Once that is done I can move on with my life.
Monday, April 13, 2009
home repairs
Friday, April 10, 2009
long weekend
This is the first time I have ever worked somewhere that gave me Good Friday off as a paid holiday. It is rather nice and puts a holiday into a part of the year that I always thought was too long between holidays. It looks like the weather will be nice for any egg hunts that go on. My Brigid is just walking, I will have to ask Sean if they are having one for her.
Most likely I will be outside most of my holiday, I think I need to do the first mowing. The little seeds I planted are starting to sprout and it won't be long before I start planting. I'm going to need to put them out on the patio for more light.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
statistics counter
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
The numerous questions should have reminded me or at least given me pause long enough to stop typing. My politican affiliation? My religion? My likes and dislikes, reading list, music etc.
I am not looking for new friends or to pick up old friends who wandered away or most likely had a door shut in their face. I am not one to forget why I lost someone.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday Morning
Looks like its going to be one of those overcast, moody, slow days. You know the kind I mean. I have a chicken thawing in a bowl of cold water for dinner tonight, the cats keep checking it out. I think I will go ahead and put my new Persian Lilac out on the porch in case it rains. I haven't planted it yet because of the cold snap and it has lived in the bathtub off and on for a couple of weeks now because I don't want the cats to nibble on it. After I move it I think I will take a long shower and then fix brunch. I'm thinking omelet with cheddar and asparagus from the garden. I planted my onion sets yesterday and started some seeds in peat pots. Cherokee Purple and Black Krim tomatoes and some lemon cucumbers and a petite cantaloupe, all heirloom seeds. So far I have volunteer lettuce and potatoes coming up in the garden and I think I saw marigold seedlings out there yesterday. I always have marigolds come up by themselves. This year I plan to give many of them away as they nearly took over the garden last year.
Friday, April 3, 2009
My HR lady told me today that I had to fill out a LOA form to get paid for the 2.5 hours I was at the doctor’s office. So I’m thinking that I will sneak the form in on top of my boss’s desk while she is out..except that when I’m almost into her office she shows up. Talk about timing. My whole day has been mistimed, but that’s another story.
Ah well, count my blessings and go on.
Looks like I may get to work in the garden this weekend. I need to trim the hedge too, bet I can find a girl to do that for me.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
The list
I emailed myself a list at work today so that I would remember everything I had been thinking about writing down.
The first thing was the fact that I have come back into contact with so many people that I used to know here lately. It is really a strange feeling. I registered on and now I have 20 signatures in my guestbook. I don’t remember having that many friends in high school. Of course I didn’t sign up for the gold membership yet because I’m not really sure I want to get involved just yet. Then last night
Then there is the matter of my boss (who swears she does not like to micromanage things). The woman now wants to pencil in our doctor appointments into her calendar in advance. I’m not sure exactly what is up with that. I managed to see my doctor on Tuesday and it was the same day I made the appointment and it just didn’t sit right with her. I’m almost afraid to make my dental appointment; she may bring out the nukes. This post has been edited.....after reading about bloggers rights. cough, cough, cough.....hairball as my cats would say.