Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas was a nice lazy day for us here. We had ham for dinner and Erin made garlic mashed potatoes. We now have ham in the freezer and I have a hambone cooking on the stove for split pea soup tonight.
I did want to explain the "wolf" comment though. I am part Cherokee and born to the wolfclan. The clan passes through the mother's line of descent so my children are also wolfclan.
Happy and Prosperous New Year to all of you!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Busy November
OK, so I got trucked off during the month of November and didn’t get a lot posted. The girls seem to have settled in and the 2 sets of cats are working out their differences. Ha Ha! I broke up a cat fight this weekend and after finding blood on the kitchen cabinet went to see just who was bleeding. I never did find a wounded kitty though. However in the process I did manage to get bit. Had to soak my hand in Epsom salts water to take the swelling down and no I’m not going to the doctor with it. I put tea tree oil on it to kill any bacteria and that was that. Hand looks almost as good as new today. It’s turning colder finally around here and Sean turned my furnace on when he came for Thanksgiving. He and his family are moving to the
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tornado watch
They just issued a tornado watch through this evening. Yes, its autumn in
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Memorial Park visit
We took the afternoon of Nov 1 to visit Memorial Park. I have always gone before Halloween but now I know I am not the only one who leaves crazy things on gravestones. Someone had put up a scarecrow, not a large one you understand. The grave of a 2 yr old was covered with plastic orange pumpkins, and a young boy’s gravestone was covered with toy metal cars and a baseball. My Butterfinger doesn’t seem so strange anymore. We also went and found Doc and Edna while we were there. Since Erin and Sean are the only ones left of the family I felt they needed to know where it was. I guess that is one drawback of having a really small family.
Monday, October 27, 2008
OK I will admit that I’m a Final Fantasy XI player. Right now my PS2 is having issues finding the internet. We think (meaning my daughter) that we have the utility disk that we need to correct this. I guess I will know when I get home tonight. Otherwise I’m going to have to learn to play this game on the computer and buy a new program.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Financial Frenzy
That reminds me, I need to pull my credit report again to check on my progress. I do this twice a year to see where I stand.
I have already made my choice for my stock purchase in November. I will buy into BHP as I need to diversify a bit. It's only $100.00 not a fortune. My stocks havent done too badly through all this, its my mutual fund that stinks. Luckly I didnt have too much in that fund. However I have taken some of Buffetts lessons to heart. I buy to hold for a lifetime.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Its getting bad when....
OK, so its fall and its getting colder and the leaves are starting to finally turn colors. I of course go out and buy a couple of pumpkins for the front porch. They looked so nice there from the street. So autumnish if that is a word. However the resident rabid squirrel had made other plans for them. I guess the summer crops werent quite enough this year. I did notice that the carnage from the pear tree in the backyard wasnt so bad this year. The pecan trees did not produce as much this year either. Or perhaps its just an economic downswing in squirrel land. Anyway I opened the front door on Saturday to find holes in both pumpkins with teeth marks. The squirrel was in the act of chewing through the rind as I watched. Not a pretty sight. I decided to rub hot sesame oil on both pumpkins and that seemed to keep him at bay for a couple of days, but last night I came home to find a new hole on one pumpkin. I don't think these two will make it to Halloween before they rot at this rate. I will have to buy more. I guess I will have to bring them in when Im not at home.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Whats left before winter
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Election
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The Market
The stock market is finally moving back upwards today. I thought I might be penniless soon considering the rate of its descent. I saw where oil dropped below 70 dollars a barrel also. This morning in Tulsa QT had gas priced at $2.59 a gallon so I wonder where it is tonight? That’s right I said $2.59 a gallon. Remember, this is
Yes, and I am going to keep buying Harley stock because they have a really great balance sheet and a dividend to match. I also own some Oneok stock, and Ship Finance and a small stake in Capital Source. Those are my dividend stocks. Then there are my speculative stocks, Marvel Entertainment and Boots & Coots, which are both holding their own through this crazy market. I don’t own a lot yet but I just started doing this last year. It’s been more fun than anything. I would have spent that small amount of cash on something else anyway.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
fall flowers
Monday, October 13, 2008
Fall Weather
This fall has been really nice so far. I have lots of lovely blooms still left in the garden and so many green tomatoes I don’t know if they will ever ripen. The squirrels of course stripped my pecan trees. But there weren’t a lot of nuts on them this year, perhaps because I had so many last year. The tree must have needed a vacation. I found my scarecrow while cleaning out the closet this weekend and some old games and some lovely vases that had been forgotten. I need to buy some fresh flowers at the store to put in one of them. I got out my belly dance costume and looked it over. I may be able to wear it this year. We will see. Halloween was Mike’s favorite holiday. I will need to leave a Butterfinger at Memorial Park for him again this year. I know the groundskeepers probably find a lot of different things there. But a Butterfinger and 3 cents for a beer should be adequate.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Brave New World
Friday, October 10, 2008
Natural Gas Price Plan
I’ve been doing really well keeping my utility bills down this summer. I’ve changed to fluorescent lighting and turned the hot water tank’s temperature down and I just don’t do air-conditioning unless its above 90 degrees. I keep a watch on the oil and gas industry and the price fluctuations. I’m wondering if I’m the only one who has noticed that this week the price of natural gas dropped to $6.70 per BTU. Oklahoma Natural Gas had an insert in the last bill asking people to sign up to an average price plan to keep their rates low this winter. Apparently the gas company has already made their winter purchase and I’m sure they only anticipated price increases, not declines. They bought their inventory prior to the price drop. They paid $11.048 per dekatherm. I had to look up and convert what a dekatherm was. A BTU is just a tiny bit larger than a dekatherm. In other words they want us to agree to pay twice the amount of what natural gas is currently selling for. I don’t think so! I personally think they need to renegotiate their purchase.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Rocks and Trash
At the risk of being labeled a nutcase or perhaps even a shrew I must present my case against trash being left on peoples doors. You have seen my rant about the alternate phone book already. Well, it is election season, and if it weren’t enough with all the religious propaganda that gets left on the door, now I have to deal with well meaning young men leaving me political brochures. I had a thought that I might purchase a small trashcan and put a label on it. Imagine an arrow pointing to the opening and the wording thus: Please deposit all political, religious, advertisements, etc here. Somehow I need to work yellow book into that phrase. I might even go as far as to mass produce these for sale on the open market. I think there would be a demand. (evil grin) I’m looking at trashcans on the way home tonight. Naw, I’m just a nutcase. See the reflectors in my front yard? I put those reflectors out a couple of months ago because of the way the city made the streets on my block. I seriously see someone driving into my living room someday, and I got tired of having to fill up the tire marks from people driving over the corner of my yard. There used to be 6 of those reflectors, but this morning I noticed there were only 3. Someone ripped off 3 of my reflectors! There are fresh skid marks in the street and on the curb. I hope my reflectors scratched up their car real nice. I’m looking for a large rock now.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
yard work
I've been busy preparing for my position at work to go perm and getting the house in order for the fall season.
My daughter and I were talking the other day about the makeup we have been using. We both use the mineral makeup that Avon puts out and we love it. I get so many comments as to what are you using on your face? The ironic thing is, as she put it.....I used to admonish her to keep her face clean and wipe the dirt off. Well what exactly is mineral makeup? Is it dirt? Is it ground up rock? Hmm, could be dirt.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Today feels so lazy and yet I have so very much I really need to do. Thanks to hurricane Ike it rained all day yesterday here in Oklahoma and the temperature dropped down to the high 70's for the daytime. I can live with that, open the windows and let the wind in. I don't have to pay anyone for the wind, so far its still free. I need to finish cleaning upstairs today and work on the bathroom wood trim. This winter I plan to learn how to use that circular saw that lives in my garage. I say lives in my garage because it was Mike's saw and I really don't know anything about it but I'm sure there is an instruction manual out there somewhere and I really need to do some repair work this year. You will remember from my other blog (and yes, I finally remembered my password) I really hate paying other people to do something I can figure out how to do myself. Thought I would post pics of the animals and start the laundry and make chili today. How's that for a fortuitous beginning?
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
same subject, second time
Blessings, Blaze.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
yellow plague
Monday morning I take my shower as usual. I hear the dogs making their regular garbage man noise and think finally it will get picked up. I open the kitchen door to leave for work and there it is again. The garbage man has kindly placed it on my porch for me. The book finally makes it into the house, at least for the day. Monday evening I arrive home with a mission. I find the address of the "yellow book's" publisher in the AT&T phonebook. Oh my god! They are located almost across the street from where I work! Guess where I will be headed on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday, with the package in the car, still wrapped in its yellow wrapper. I have written across the sack with sharpie: Not AT&T.....Refused. I speed through their parking lot and drop it in front of their door. I did notice on the way in that most of my neighbors had still not bothered to even move their yellow packages. I wonder if I should set up a collection site? Nah.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I'm still here
It took some work but I finally found my old blog and I can't get back into it. I have changed web providers..ah well, such is life. Needless to say the original Tekasworld was my original blog with pictures of my cats and the dog from hell. Its been 18 months since Bill passed away but I still havent gotten the last of his medical charges finalized. I cannot believe the inadequacy of some institutions.
My Kali cat passed away earlier this week, a heart attack I think. She had been down in the hips for a little and had been hiding behind the toilet in the bathroom for a few days. Thats her in front there. May you always find your sunbeam Kali.